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Hybrid Post-Quantum Signatures in Hardware Security Keys

Hybrid Post-Quantum Signatures in Hardware Security Keys

ACNS 2023

Building Safe End-to-End Encrypted Services for Business - a Google Workspace perspective

Building Safe End-to-End Encrypted Services for Business - a Google Workspace perspective

RSA 2022

Deep-Cryptanalysis - Fashion or Revolution?

Deep-Cryptanalysis - Fashion or Revolution?

WAC 2021

Hacker's guide to deep-learning side-channel attacks: code walkthrough

Hacker's guide to deep-learning side-channel attacks: code walkthrough

Jun 2021

Hacker's guide to deep-learning side-channel attacks: the theory

Hacker's guide to deep-learning side-channel attacks: the theory

May 2021

A Hacker’s guide to reducing side-channel attack surfaces using deep-learning

A Hacker’s guide to reducing side-channel attack surfaces using deep-learning

Defcon & BH 2020

A Hacker Guide To Deep Learning Based Side Channel Attacks

A Hacker Guide To Deep Learning Based Side Channel Attacks

Defcon 2019

The first collision for full SHA-1

The first collision for full SHA-1

Crypto 2017

How we created the first SHA-1 collision and what it means for hash security

How we created the first SHA-1 collision and what it means for hash security

Black Hat 2017

Understanding the prevalence of web traffic interception
web security

Understanding the prevalence of web traffic interception

Jun 2017

The Security Impact of HTTPS Interception
web security

The Security Impact of HTTPS Interception

NDSS 2017

How email in transit can be intercepted using dns hijacking
network security

How email in transit can be intercepted using dns hijacking

Jan 2016

Understanding how tls downgrade attacks prevent email encryption
network security

Understanding how tls downgrade attacks prevent email encryption

Dec 2015

Apple finally turns HTTPS on for the app store, fixing a lot of vulnerabilities
web security

Apple finally turns HTTPS on for the app store, fixing a lot of vulnerabilities

Mar 2013

Evolution of the https lock icon (infographic)
web security

Evolution of the https lock icon (infographic)

Nov 2011

Reclaiming the blogosphere talkback a secure linkback protocol for weblogs
web security

Reclaiming the blogosphere talkback a secure linkback protocol for weblogs


Beyond files recovery owade cloud-based forensic

Beyond files recovery owade cloud-based forensic

Black hat 2011

Openconflict preventing real time map hacks in online games
video game

Openconflict preventing real time map hacks in online games

S&P 2011

Kamouflage loss-resistant password management

Kamouflage loss-resistant password management


Recovering windows secrets and efs certificates offline

Recovering windows secrets and efs certificates offline

WOOT 2010

Reversing dpapi and stealing windows secrets offline

Reversing dpapi and stealing windows secrets offline

Black Hat DC 2010

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