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Time has something to tell us about network address translation Time has something to tell us about network address translation
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  2. network security

Time has something to tell us about network address translation

Available Media

Publication (Pdf)

Slides (pdf)

Conference 12th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NordSec) - 2007
Author Elie Bursztein

Bibtex Citation

@inproceedings{ BURSZTEIN2007TIME,title = {Time has something to tell us about network address translation},author = {"Elie, Bursztein"},booktitle = {12th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems},year = {2007},organization = {Springer}}

In this paper we introduce a new technique to count the number of host behind a NAT. This technique based on TCP timestamp option, works with Linux and BSD system and therefore is complementary to the previous one base on IPID than does not work for those systems. Our implementation demonstrates the practicability of this method.


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