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Trackback spam abuse and prevention Trackback spam abuse and prevention
  1. publications
  2. web security

Trackback spam abuse and prevention

Available Media

Publication (Pdf)

Slides (pdf)

Conference Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW) - 2009
Authors Elie Bursztein , Peifung E. Lam , John C. Mitchell

Bibtex Citation

@inproceedings{ BURSZTEIN2009TRACKBACK,title = {Trackback spam abuse and prevention},author = {"Elie, Bursztein" and "Peifung E., Lam" and "John C., Mitchell"},booktitle = {Cloud Computing Security Workshop},year = {2009},organization = {ACM}}

Contemporary blogs receive comments and TrackBacks, which result in cross-references between blogs. We conducted a longitudinal study of TrackBack spam, collecting and analyzing almost 10 million samples from a massive spam campaign over a one-year period. Unlike common delivery of email spam, the spammers did not use bots, but took advantage of an official Chinese site as a relay. Based on our analysis of TrackBack misuse found in the wild, we propose an authenticated TrackBack mechanism that defends against TrackBack spam even if attackers use a very large number of different source addresses and generate unique URLs for each TrackBack blog.


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