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Probabilistic protocol identification for hard to classify protocol Probabilistic protocol identification for hard to classify protocol
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  2. network security

Probabilistic protocol identification for hard to classify protocol

Available Media

Publication (Pdf)

Slides (pdf)

Conference 2nd International Workshop on Information Security Theory and Practices (WISTP) - 2008
Author Elie Bursztein
Award Best Paper Award

Bibtex Citation

@inproceedings{ BURSZTEIN2008PROBABILISTIC,title = {Probabilistic protocol identification for hard to classify protocol},author = {"Elie, Bursztein"},booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on Information Security Theory and Practices},year = {2008},organization = {Springer}}

With the growing use of protocols obfuscation techniques, protocol identification for Q.O.S enforcement,traffic prohibition, and intrusion detection has became a complex task. This paper addresses this issue with a probabilistic identification analysis that combines multiples advanced identification techniques and returns an ordered list of probable protocols. It combines a payload analysis with a classifier based on several discriminators, including packet entropy and size. We show with its implementation, that it overcomes the limitations of traditional port-based protocol identification when dealing with hard to classify protocol such as peer to peer protocols. We also detail how it deals with tunneled session and covert channel.


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