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I am a legend hacking hearthstone using statistical learning methods
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I am a legend hacking hearthstone using statistical learning methods

CIG 2016

Predicting Hearthstone game outcome with machine learning
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Predicting Hearthstone game outcome with machine learning

Oct 2016

Hearthstone 3d card viewer in pure javascript/css3
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Hearthstone 3d card viewer in pure javascript/css3

Apr 2015

I am a legend: Hacking Hearthstone with machine-learning Defcon talk wrap-up
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I am a legend: Hacking Hearthstone with machine-learning Defcon talk wrap-up

Sep 2014

Predicting a Hearthstone opponent’s deck using machine learning
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Predicting a Hearthstone opponent’s deck using machine learning

Aug 2014

Pricing hearthstone cards with unique abilities: VanCleef and The Twilight Drake
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Pricing hearthstone cards with unique abilities: VanCleef and The Twilight Drake

Aug 2014

I am a legend: hacking hearthstone with machine learning
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I am a legend: hacking hearthstone with machine learning

Defcon 2014

How to find undervalued Hearthstone cards automatically
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How to find undervalued Hearthstone cards automatically

Jul 2014

How to appraise Hearthstone card values
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How to appraise Hearthstone card values

Jul 2014

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