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Online microsurveys for user experience research Online microsurveys for user experience research
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Online microsurveys for user experience research

Available Media

Publication (Pdf)

Conference Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) - 2014
Authors Victoria Schwanda Sosik , Elie Bursztein , Sunny Consolvo ,

Bibtex Citation

@inproceedings{ SCHWANDA SOSIK2014ONLINE,title = {Online microsurveys for user experience research},author = {"Victoria, Schwanda Sosik" and "Elie, Bursztein" and "Sunny, Consolvo" and "David, Huffaker" and "Gueorgi, Kossinets" and "Kerwell, Liao" and "Paul, McDonald" and "Aaron, Sedley"},booktitle = {Human Factors in Computing Systems},year = {2014},organization = {ACM}}

This case study presents a critical analysis of microsurveys as a method for conducting user experience research. We focus specifically on Google Consumer Surveys (GCS) and analyze a combination of log data and GCSs run by the authors to investigate how they are used, who the respondents are, and the quality of the data. We find that such microsurveys can be a great way to quickly and cheaply gather large amounts of survey data, but that there are pitfalls that user experience researchers should be aware of when using the method.


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